A little fun

As we are in the middle of a three part series talking about managing the cause of stress,  I thought it would be nice to have a little fun. Many people cope with stress with a comfort food. Post a picture of your favorite comfort food. Mine’s Chocolate Cake!

Pastor and Family Burnout

There are so many factors that lead to a pastor’s burnout. In this post, I want to give you some statistics about family life. These statistics are from pastors currently serving in a church. 13% of active pastors are divorced. 25% of pastors’ wives see their husband’s work schedule as a source of conflict. 40% … [Read more…]

How’s the Exercise Going?

With the first month of the New Year almost gone, our resolutions of eating healthier and exercising regularly are struggling. How’s yours going? Most  of us have heard how exercising increase endorphins, which is a “feel good” hormone that counteracts stress hormones. Regular exercise also increases regular sleep, which also reduces stress and burnout. And … [Read more…]